Same great taste still outstanding performance food group, but now in a new little package – Meet Probar Bite

Real Run Ryan PROBAR Bite Superfruit

Company – PROBAR 
Product Review – Energybar Bite MIxed Berry, Superfruit + Greens, Chocolate Cashew($1.99ea)
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As I wrote about in another post I did for PROBAR I love this company as they produce some outstanding performance food group just a a bar, but now in a new little package – Meet Probar Bite  bars. That’s why I’m excited to announce that they are releasing a new bar that they are calling PROBAR “Bite”. This new “Bite” caters to those of us that are constantly on the run.“After asking consumers which qualities they look for most in their on-the-go food products, it was clear that an opportunity existed to bring a truly unique product to the marketplace. At 190 calories, PROBAR bite™ contains 10-11 grams of sugar and includes six grams of plant-based protein. In addition, PROBAR bite™ is certified USDA Organic, gluten-free, Non – GMO Project Verified, dairy-free, soy-free and kosher.”

As a runner and avid weightlifter I’m constantly looking to fuel my body, and fuel my body with “real food” not with foods I can’t say or spell. Yes, I fell victim to the processed foods that are full of sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. Why? Cause I liked the boost they would give me a “sugar-high” some would call it, but I found that these foods couldn’t sustain me, and once I would come down from the “sugar-high” it would be a crash landing. So i decided a few years ago to fuel my body with only whole types foods, food like Chia-seeds, fruits, and nuts. However, carrying these types of foods around can become a chore and messy, especially on a 3hr run. I always thought to myself, why doesn’t someone come up with a bar where I can get all these types of foods in one bite…well then I discovered PROBAR, a bar made out of “real-foods”.

Who is PROBAR – Performance Food Group?

The PROBAR is a company out of Salt Lake City, UT who make a variety of bars ranging from energy bars to meal replacements. All of their bars are organic and “NON-GMO”, they are in-fact involved in the where “verification is to give consumers transparency and access to clearly labeled Non-GMO Project Verified food and products. The Project seal tells the consumer that the product has gone through a rigorous third-party review process ensuring the product has been produced with consensus-based best practices for GMO avoidance.”

The Bite

PROBAR was kind enough to send me four bars, although I’m only showing two of them (I forgot to take pics of two of them since they were so good I ate them and then remembered). They sent me Superfruit + Greens, Mixed Berry, Chocolate Cherry Cashew, and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip. Some I’d like and other I did not. First lets start off with the benefits. Each bar packs a whopping 190 Calorie, 10-11g Sugars, and boast 6g Protein | 3-4g Fiber. That is quite a bunch for a bar that you could eat in just a few bites. Each of the bars that PROBAR makes are USDA Organic Certified, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free & Kosher, Non-GMO Project Verified, and Soy Free. Which I believe proves that PROBAR only uses “real-food”.

The Taste?

Chocolate Cherry Cashew –  The bar had a very sweet nutty taste, and had plenty of cherries in it. I could taste the chocolate but it wasn’t overpowering and played nice with the cashew.

Mixed Berry – Like the Chocolate Cherry Cashew this bar was sweet and nutty as well. However, I didn’t taste any berries, and the sunflowers were a bit overpowering. If you are a lover of sunflower seeds you will like this bar, for me, this bar had way too many sunflower seeds.

Superfruit + Greens – Out of the four bars I was given this bar was my least favorite. It had a bland nutty taste, and chalky aftertaste that stayed with me for a while.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip – Unlike the Superfruit + Greens bar this one was my favorite! Hit the elements of peanut butter and chocolate chips into a perfect blend. Wasn’t too sweet, and I could taste both the chocolate chip and peanut butter perfectly. I loved how they topped it off with the great taste of chia seeds – an excellent blend!


OK, we know the PROBAR tastes good, but what about the performance/endurance? I found that the bar did sustain me quite well and was a good alternative to gel type products I usually take. I used the PROBARS mostly as a pre-workout bar especially on my long runs. I found that the bar gave me the energy I needed to run for about 90mins before I felt I needed another bar or gel type product. This is awesome for me because I usually take a gel type product every 45mins during my longer runs. I love how the bars didn’t upset my stomach either before or during my workouts, which as I have called out in my other posts could be an issue.


  • Taste
  • Organic
  • Vegan
  • Dairy Free
  • Real-food
  • Easy to chew
  • Performance
  • Packaging – I like to see a better package which would allow me to clip the bar through an eye-lid so that I could carry it outside of a pouch
  • Gummy

If you are are on the go and need a bar to fuel you in those times you don’t have time to eat and need a quick snack this bar is for you. Look for it when it launches on Pct 31st 2014. Checkout the PROBAR website for more info.

About Ryan Light

I started to run after a very stressful time in my life. I suffered most of my life with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), panic, and anxiety. I tried everything from diets to conventional medicines – nothing worked. Running saved my life – literally, I was at the bottom with my OCD, panic, and anxiety, and on the verge of suicide. Running gave me a new found adventure, a goal, an escape so to say. It’s been seven years since I took my first run…Currently I have run over 40 Half Marathons, Three Full Marathons, and countless amounts of 5 & 10Ks” and loving every minute of it. I’ve made some outstanding friends, overcame challenges I thought I’d never could, and best of all found a passion in life! To learn more...

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