Prevent Injuries: 10 Exercises to Drop from your Routine

Exercises Routine

Prevent Injuries: 10 Exercises to Drop from your Routine

1. Bench Dip

Bench dips are a hard exercise to train your triceps as well as a great arm workout. However, the position where you put hands behind the lower back and apply pressure on it makes the shoulder fragile. Thus, you risk injuries in the rotator cuff and shoulder impingement.

Instead, I recommend paralleled bar dips, since they give a much more natural position to the entire arm. It’s a safer while providing the same result without stressing on the shoulder as much as bench dips.

2. Barbell Snatch

This full body workout is quite demanding and stressful, and it can develop muscle injuries or traumas. While doing barbell snatches, the amount of weight carried is often highly superior to the person’s bodyweight. Hence, any motion performed incorrectly can place a lot of stress on the wrong places. This makes the exercise hazardous for people who haven’t mastered it.

Other exercises such as the dumbbell clean and press offer the same full body lift in a much safer way. It works both the hips and legs, but also the torso, arms, and shoulders.

3. Lateral Raises

Lateral aaises is a simple exercise that gets the job done while training shoulders, but it can lead to a harmful exercise in your routine. Its movement on the shoulder’s joint along with the weight carried in each hand increases the possibilities to develop injuries to the rotator cuff.

Instead of performing with fully extended arms, bend your forearms so your elbow is in a 45 degree angle. Start with bent forearms, and raise them laterally while keeping the 45 degree angle. This way, stress is considerably reduced off the shoulder.

4. Sit-Ups

Although for most of us it’s our top exercise for abs, there are more efficient ways to train your core. When done incorrectly, sit-ups can strain your neck, back, and spine; leaving you with painful consequences. Maintain a straight back and at all times, inhale as you raise and exhale as you lower back down for better results.

Another choice is the core scissors. They keep the back firm against the floor while working out the entire core. Also, incorporate a stability ball and create intensity to increase the effects on the torso.

5. Barbell Row

Barbell Rows are a huge no in your routines. You are exposing your shoulder to some of the most dangerous and awkward positions. It interferes with the shoulder’s internal rotation and forces abnormal weight into it. If forced long enough, the tendons will get damaged and develop severe health conditions.

Switch instead to the wide-grip pull down. This exercise trains the back muscles, keeping the spine straight and unharmed. It provides a much more comfortable position for the shoulder while still keeping it in a good position to work out intensely.

6. Plyometric Pushup Jacks

Plyometric pushup jacks were included in many routines because they’re fun, energetic and easy to compete on. They involve jumping or clapping between pushups, mixing cardio, strength exercise and explosive power.

To perform these pushups correctly, hips must be aligned to the body at all times. Hold a steady core, head, and spine. If failed to perform correctly, it increases the risk of having injuries in the low back or the shoulder’s joint

Instead, upgrade to regular push-ups routines where high-impact motions are reduced.

7. Bridge Pose

Very common in legs and glutes routines. It’s a straightforward and comfortable exercise used in yoga moves, pilates or even at home. The problem lies in the pressure assumed by the lumbar spine because of the extreme arch of the back; enhancing any existing back condition or pain.

There is a broad range of people with different back problems who can be affected by this exercise.

Choose the glute bridge instead, which works out the hips and legs. It also helps you learn to contract the glutes and to stretch in a more stable and natural position. The motion is similar to the bridge pose, except it provides better hip joint health while taking away some of the pressure placed on it.

8. Platform Stiff-Legged Deadlift

Stiff-legged deadlifts focus on the development of the glutes, hamstrings and lower back, all reduced into one movement. When it’s done properly, holding an arch on the lower back, this combined exercise is an intense, efficient workout.

Nevertheless, this is not the case when done standing on a book, block or bench to increase the exercises’ results. The strange form of flexing the back while carrying heavy weight might force the lower back during the movement; leading to injuries in the spine and lower back muscles.

Instead of standing on things and pushing your spine, work on your back muscle’s flexibility and incorporate more weight as you progress. Eventually, when your back is trained and resistant, increase the weights progressively to obtain more intensity.

9. Deep Barbell Squat

Squats are some of the most basic movements to work out hamstrings and glutes. They’re present in many female and male exercise routines. Regardless, things take a twist when performing the deep variation. It leaves performers very open to injury if not performed very carefully.

The most common injuries take place in the knees and spine, usually because of poor techniques and ranges of motion. The deepest you perform a squat, the more you are forcing your knees. Not to mention that the added weight also plays a significant role. The spine and hips eventually take damage as well, reinforcing any negative stances and increasing the amount of injuries.

Writer’s Bio:

Dan Chabert


Dan Chabert

An entrepreneur and a husband, Dan hails from Copenhagen, Denmark. He loves to join ultramarathon races and travel to popular running destinations together with his wife. During regular days, he manages his websites, Runnerclick, That Sweet Gift, Monica’s Health Magazine and GearWeAre. Dan has also been featured in several popular running blogs across the world.

About Ryan Light

I started to run after a very stressful time in my life. I suffered most of my life with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), panic, and anxiety. I tried everything from diets to conventional medicines – nothing worked. Running saved my life – literally, I was at the bottom with my OCD, panic, and anxiety, and on the verge of suicide. Running gave me a new found adventure, a goal, an escape so to say. It’s been seven years since I took my first run…Currently I have run over 40 Half Marathons, Three Full Marathons, and countless amounts of 5 & 10Ks” and loving every minute of it. I’ve made some outstanding friends, overcame challenges I thought I’d never could, and best of all found a passion in life! To learn more...

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