Getting in Shape: 7 Tips to Help You Get Back to Fit

Tips to Help You Get Back to Fit

Getting in Shape: 7 Tips to Help You Get Back to Fit

Getting fit can be a challenge. If you have not exercised in a long time, then getting a fit can be even more difficult. Fortunately, there are ways that you can overcome this challenge and get back in shape.

Lift Weights

Contrary to popular belief, lifting weights is not just for people who want to bulk up. If you are trying to get in shape, then lifting weights will greatly benefit you. Adding muscle to your body will help you burn more calories. In fact, you burn an additional 45 calories for every one pound of muscle that you have. This means that if you have 10 pounds of muscle on your body, then you can burn 450 calories per day.

Eat Light

You do not necessarily have to restrict your food intake in order to get fit. However, you may have to change the way that you eat. If you normally eat two or three big meals, then you may want to have four or five smaller ones instead. One of the reasons that many people overeat is because they wait until they are ravenous to start eating. If you eat light meals throughout the day, then you will keep yourself full.

Keep Moving Throughout the Day

The average person spends 63 percent of their day sitting. Studies have shown that even if you exercise regularly, sitting for long periods of time can still be dangerous for your health. If you have a sedentary job, then you should try to get up and move throughout the day. You can burn an additional 350 calories per day by moving throughout the day.

Get More Protein

Protein is filling, so it can help you eat less. It can also help you build muscle. If you are a meat eater, then you can get protein from lean poultry, beef and fish. Vegetarians can get protein from beans, nuts, tofu and whole grains.

High-Intensity Interval Training

Exercising for a longer period of time will not necessary help you get results faster. You can get more done in less time by performing high-intensity interval training. This is a method of training that involves switching between short bouts of intense exercise and longer periods of recovery. HIIT workouts are typically performed for 20 to 30 minutes.

Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables

Adding more fruits and vegetables is one of the simplest things that you can do in order to make your diet. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber as well as many of the other nutrients that you need. Most people are not getting enough fiber. One of the many great things about fruits and vegetables is that you can eat a lot of them without adding too many calories to your diet.

Take Dietary Supplements

The best way to get in shape is to follow a healthy diet and exercise. However, adding dietary supplements can help you lose weight. Read Vasayo reviews and other online resources to figure out what will have the biggest impact on your health. Chromium is one of the supplements that you can use in order to lose weight. It works by stabilizing blood sugar. Blood sugar fluctuations can lead to food cravings, which can impede weight loss. B complex is another great supplement to take. It can help increase your energy level.

It is not easy to get back in shape if you have not had a fitness routine for a long time. Fortunately, making a few dietary changes and exercising will help you get back in shape. You can also add dietary supplements to your regimen, which can enhance your results.

About Ryan Light

I started to run after a very stressful time in my life. I suffered most of my life with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), panic, and anxiety. I tried everything from diets to conventional medicines – nothing worked. Running saved my life – literally, I was at the bottom with my OCD, panic, and anxiety, and on the verge of suicide. Running gave me a new found adventure, a goal, an escape so to say. It’s been seven years since I took my first run…Currently I have run over 40 Half Marathons, Three Full Marathons, and countless amounts of 5 & 10Ks” and loving every minute of it. I’ve made some outstanding friends, overcame challenges I thought I’d never could, and best of all found a passion in life! To learn more...

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